Your investment in you includes all program materials in digital format, online course access, all resources and tools; plus each lesson includes LIVE facilitation via Zoom video conferencing with certified LMI facilitator and company owner, Tené K. Kosmyna. Also included is an audio app to listen to course material. Coaching and consulting, within reason, by Tené in between sessions if necessary.
Starts February 3,2025
Below you’ll find the titles of each lesson within the program.
Effective Personal Leadership for Women - Releasing Your Untapped Potential INTRODUCTION / KICKOFF - February 3,2025 The Total Leader® Concept and Personal Leadership Understanding What Personal Leadership Means Personal Leadership versus Formal Leadership How to Develop Personal Leadership Developing Personal Leadership through Goals Starting the Goal-Setting Process ——— LESSON ONE: YOUR POTENTIAL FOR PERSONAL LEADERSHIP Believing in Your Full Potential Discovering Your Untapped Potential Your Opportunity for Leadership Growth Personal Leadership Requires Courage Focusing on Your Strengths The Rewards of Leadership The Internal Nature of Personal Leadership ——— LESSON TWO: SELF-KNOWLEDGE: THE SOURCE OF PERSONAL LEADERSHIP Self-Knowledge and Emotional Intelligence Leading with Emotional Intelligence Understanding Our Past Breaking Out of a Conditioned Existence Developing a Strong Self-Image True Leaders Are Authentic Leaders Committing to Authentic Leadership ——— LESSON THREE:SIX ESSENTIALS OF PERSONAL LEADERSHIP Success Essential #1: Personal Responsibility Success Essential #2: Purpose Success Essential #3: Plan Success Essential #4: Passion Success Essential #5: Positive Expectancy Success Essential #6: Persistence ——— LESSON FOUR:TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Personal Responsibility Equals Freedom Personal Responsibility and Self Motivation Recognizing Our Basic Human Needs The Disadvantages of Motivation through Fear The Limits of Motivation through Incentive The Power of Motivation through Attitudes ——— LESSON FIVE:DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE Singleness of Purpose Requires Commitment Discovering Your Life Purpose Crystallizing Your Life Purpose Establishing Your Priorities Creating a Personal Mission Statement The Fundamentals of Goal Setting Avoiding Distractions on Your Path ——— LESSON SIX:PLAN YOUR PATH Programming Your Goal-Setting Computer Committing to Your Goals Understanding Different Goals Tangible and Intangible Goals Obstacles to Goals Achievement The Power of Target Dates Is it Worth it to Me? ——— LESSON SEVEN: IGNITE YOUR PASSION Making Passion a Way of Life The Hallmarks of Genuine Passion Enthusiasm Reflects Your Passion Controlling the Emotional Climate How to Build Enthusiasm The Benefits of Enthusiasm ——— LESSON EIGHT:ACT WITH POSITIVE EXPECTANCY Positive Expectancy Requires Belief How Positive Expectancy Works Positive Expectancy Starts with Affi rmation Positive Expectancy Is Magnifi ed with Visualization Developing an Attitude of Positive Expectancy How Our Attitudes and Habits Are Formed Changing Current Attitudes and Habits The Self-Fulfi lling Prophecy ——— LESSON NINE: FOLLOW THROUGH WITH PERSISTENCE Reasons Why People Quit Developing Iron-Willed Persistence Turning Adversity into Opportunity Making Good Decisions Requires Persistence Persistence Pays Off! ——— LESSON TEN: LIVING A BALANCED LIFE The Total Person® and Personal Leadership Planning Your Time with Priorities in Mind Time Is Your Most Valuable Asset Taking Responsibility for the Time You Use Becoming a Total Person® ——— LESSON ELEVEN: THE ART OF SUCCESSFUL COMMUNICATION Leaders Are Communicators The Critical Role of Empathy in Communication Learning to Listen with Empathy Developing Empathy Setting an Example by Relationship Management Leadership through Communication ——— LESSON TWELVE: MULTIPLYING YOUR LEADERSHIP Leaders Have Integrity and Character Leaders Are Role Models Leaders Are Developers of People Leaders Are Empower People The Rewards of Empowering Others Living a Life Filled with Potential The Leadership Challenge